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5: Information as Entropy

Published on 2024-01-28

Preparatory Readings:

Table of contents

  1. Review and Introduction
  2. Information as Entropy
    1. Example 1:
    2. Example 2:
  3. Application: Beyond visual encoding.

Review and Introduction

Claude Shannon is famous for his article titled “A mathematical theory of communication” in which he came up with the idea of “information” as entropy.

Concretely, Shannon was faced with the challenge of trying to think of messages or information in the most compressed form possible without loss.

For example, he asked: what is the minimal amount of information required to transmit a voice recording so that the sound could be re-produced?

A voice recording is not actually sound, but the re-encoding of information from one form of difference into a new form of difference, such that it can be re-encoded back into sound waves at the end of transmission. Shannon’s question is: what is the minimum amount of difference required in order to successfully complete this re-encoding back into sound waves.

In the same way, the “storage” of a pdf on your hard drive (containing a visually encoded page layout), is not actually the saving of an image or a “look”. It is the storage of something called “information” in such a way that the “look” you experienced when you saved the file can be “reproduced” or “reconstructed” when you open it again. What you are saving is a really a series of differences that when given to a particular application (your pdf viewer) a visual presentation can be re-assembled. (Think about how similar this is to the Jacquard loom.)

In order for this to be possible, there needs to be an idea of a “quantifiable information” that is separate from something we can hear or see, but precise enough to be machine actionable and for the machine to be able to reconstruct a particular view or message (without having to understand the meaning of what you intend to display and present).

We also saw that this need for an idea of “quantifiable information” divorced from sounds or visual letters arose in the telegraph age as companies and customers sought a way to fairly or consistently charge for the transmissions of messages.

Thus a new kind of question emerges, how much information does a message contain? (Just as we might have previously asked, how many letters or sounds does a message contain). And in that very question, we see a notion of information that has been separated from the message, meaning or semantics. Instead we see “information” spoken of as analogous to the media of letters or sounds. But while we are familiar with letters and sounds as medium, it less clear just what “information” is, much less how to quantify it.

Information as Entropy

Shannon’s breakthrough is related to an insight we started to see in our earlier reading of Ong.

Ong noted that in verbal communications there are hundreds of “communicative redundancies” present in our verbal communication in order to assure the error-free transmission of the message.

“To make yourself clear without gesture, without facial expression, without intonation, without a real hearer, you have to foresee circumspectly all possible meanings of a statement may have for a possible reader in any possible situation, and you have to make your language work so as to come clear all by itself, with no existential context. The need for this exquisite circumspection makes writing the agonizing work it commonly is.”

Shannon noticed the same kinds of redundancies in our visual encoding of information through the use of letters.

For example, he showed that there are statistical patterns in our language that create lower and higher probabilities for the appearance of a given word or letter, based on the words or letters that precede (probabilities that change or depend on what came before are called dependent variables).

For example, if I write “q”, there is a high probability that the next letter is “u”, and a very low probability that the next letter will be a consonant.

Because of this high level of predictability, Shannon thinks I need less information to communicate this message “qu” than I would for example “qk” even though in our written encoding they have the same number of letters.

For example, I could transmit “q” and tell a receiver to always add a “u” unless “q” is followed by a “/”. In rare occasions an extra “/” will have to be transmitted, but all “qu” transmissions will have been dramatically reduced in size.

His idea was that if we could identify the minimal amount of information in the message apart from these redundancies, we would have identified the essence of the “information” abstracted from its visual or linguistic encoding.

In terms of the above example, Shannon wants us to see that “qu”, despite its visual appearances, points to one piece of information (within a pre-defined set of possibilities), even though it is typically visually represented in a way that looks like two. Neither “q” or “u” or even “qu” is the information. Rather the pattern is the logical profile that is pointed at by the visual symbol (just as a visual triangle points at the logical properties that constitute an ideal triangle). This logical profile is a describable statistical frequency within the context of the other symbols in the pre-defined set.

At the heart of his theory was the idea that information was fundamentally the amount of uncertainty or predictability in a system, or what he called “entropy” (borrowing the term usually reserved for the tendency in thermodynamics of energy to dissolve from something organized and structured to something unstructured). That “u” follows “q” is highly predictable, therefore there is less entropy and less information. That “k” follows “q” is less predictable and contains more entropy and therefore contains more information.

Let’s watch a short video that tries to explain this:

For most of us I think this leads to a fairly confusing way of thinking about information, as evidenced by the comment thread of this video:

Question from Daniel Hollas:

This definition of information seems somehow unintuitive to me. For example, if I wrote a book, in which I would just randomly select letters from the alphabet, would it contain more information than the “normal” books with words in it? Or did I miss something?

Answer from Nick Corrado:

You’ve got it right. Indeed, it is unintuitive, but consider this. If you compare a normal English text with another text of the same length, but with all the vowels (which are often redundant) taken out, the second text surely has more information. After all, the second text is the same length, but it’s missing letters that are just “taking up space,” and it’s doing something with that space instead. A random selection of letters definitely has the highest information: you can’t reduce any of it by removing redundancy the way you can in English by removing all the vowels.

If these examples seem a little abstract, just consider what we do in newspaper and on the Internet every day: we remove letters and even whole words (articles like “the” don’t convey much information) to say more in the same space, or the same in less space. A newspaper doesn’t have less information by being denser: on the contrary, it can fit more!

In this helpful reply, I think we can see clearly how information is being separated from the content or message, and thus is becoming a medium that has the potential to carry a message. The book without vowels has more information because it has the potential to carry more messaging content than the book without vowels.

A book with lots of random letters in it might not actually carry a meaningful message. However, this doesn’t change the fact that, because of the high level of entropy (or we could even say the high level of unpredictable difference), it certainly has the potential to carry more content than a book with less entropy (or lots of redundancies and less difference).

Let’s go over this again with two small examples and then we can think about an application of this kind of thinking to the encoding and display of texts.

Example 1:

All encoding systems have a defined set of available symbols. As such, Shannon wants us to see that the writing of a letter, word, or even a phrase or sentence is not the production of something new and unique, but rather a choice among a finite set of options (finite, even though the number of options may still be very large).

For example Gleick says:

“the message was seen as a choice” (Gleick p. 218)


“the point was to represent a message as the outcome of a process that generated events [choices] with discrete probabilities” (Gleick, p. 228)

In this regard let’s focus on the “choice” of a particular letter. But note that Shannon would want you to recognize that you are making a similar choice from a pre-defined set when you choose to use a word or phrase (but in the case the size of the set is much larger than 26)

Let’s suppose we have an alphabet of 32 characters, and the letter z is number 32.

I could communicate this as a “picture of the letter z”, but this would require hundreds of pieces of information within a very large set of spatial information. Think of the range of possible visual positions (x ad y coordinates), and the various “look” of “z” in different fonts.

That fact that despite all this visual variation, we can still recognize the same letter “z” is evidence to Shannon that there is something more essential about “Z” than how it looks.

What is important is its statistical relationship to the other characters in the 32-character set.

He says: the amount of information a system needs to communicate it symbols and to differentiate them from one another can be calculated as follows:

Take the Sum of the probability of the available symbols times the log2 of the inverse of that probability.

\[H = -\sum_{i}^{n} p_i \log_2 p_i\]

In the above equation:

  • \(H\) is the symbol for Information
  • \(n\) is the number of symbols in the set
  • \(i\) is a given symbol within that set
  • \(p_i\) is the probability of a given symbol

So, for a 32 symbol set, where the probability of each symbol is 1/32, the uncertainty or entropy of a message composed of a single symbol would be calculated as follows.

\[H = -\sum_{i=1}^{n=32} \frac{1}{32} * \log_2 \frac{1}{32}\] \[H = -\sum_{i=1}^{n=32}\frac{1}{32} * - 5 = 0.15625 * 32 = 5\]

So H or Information = 5

Why 5?

Because it only takes me on average five questions/choices (and never more than 5) to identify the letter in question.

In terms of logical “difference” we could think of this 5 as a measure of “difference”. To communicate a set of 32 requires 5 differences. Shannon referred to these difference as “bits”.

Calling these difference “bits” helps us abstract from any particular physical medium and thereby helps us recognize that these bits can be “encoded” or realized in any physical material that admits of difference. Thus 5 stones would work, 5 sticks would work, and of course 5 electrical impulses. The letter “a” might be encoded with 4 absences of stone, stick or impulse and 1 presence as 00001 and ‘z’ could be encoded as the presence of 5 stones, sticks, or impulses as 11111.

What is critical here is not so much the math but the reduction of information to a new essence.

Shannon asks us to consider: what do we really care about? Do we care about how a “Z” looks, or do we care about something more fundamental, something that the “look” of the Z is pointing to?

If the latter, then we should be thinking about how to encode this information independent of how it “looks” in one medium, so that it can be re-encoded in any medium where at least 5 discernible differences can be found.

Example 2:

Let’s say we are watching a coin toss game and we want to communicate who won the game (where the player who gets “heads” alone wins.).

The intuitive thing to do is to communicate the scores.

Either the Tie (00) or (11), Player 1 Wins (10), Player 2 Wins (01)

Thus in a coin toss, we have a set of possible outcomes (00, 11, 10, 01) each with 1/4 probability

So we need to compute entropy of this channel, or the amount of information a channel would need to help in order to communicate these scores.

\[H = -\sum_{i=1}^{n=4}p_i log_2 p_i = -4(\frac{1}{4} log_2 \frac{1}{4}) = 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 = 2\]

In total, it will always take 2 bits (differences) to communicate the full context of this game and the “look” of the end result.

But again, Shannon asks us to consider more precisely what we are trying to communicate when we communicate the “look” of the end result of the game.

The information we want to communicate is the winner, but the way we are communicating is by transmitting the “the full results of the game” without thinking about the precise information needed to successfully communicate. Not being precise, creates redundancies that can be helpful when extracting semantics, but can also be distracting and confusing noise that makes it hard to communicate without understanding semantics.

If we want to communicate the information precisely and not merely by the visual “look” of the game, we can do so more efficiently by being more precise.

We can always send player 1’s score, and then only send further bits when it was not a tie.

This will change the available outcomes in our set from four (00 tie, 11 tie, 10 win, 01 lose) to (1 or 0 tie, 10 win, 01 lose).

It will also change the probabilities of the second bit, as its probability will be affected by the previous outcome. Thus it is a dependent variable. Its value or presence depends on what came before.

Because we know the tie happens 50 percent of the time, we know the second question will have to be asked half the time, and therefore the probability of either result is 1/4 (rather than 1/2).

So, we can have something like:

\[H = -(\frac{1}{2} log_2 \frac{1}{2}) - (\frac{1}{4} log_2 \frac{1}{4}) - (\frac{1}{4} log_2 \frac{1}{4}) = 0.5 + 0. 5 + 0.5 = 1.5\]

Or the probability of three outcomes instead of four will be 1/3 instead of 1/4, so we would have something like:

\[H = -\sum_{i=1}^{n=3}p_i log_2 p_i = -3(\frac{1}{3} log_2 \frac{1}{3}) = 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 = 1.5\]

Instead of taking 2 bits to communicate the outcome of the game, it now only takes 1.5.

Or said differently, it will takes on average 1.5 yes/no questions to figure out who won the game.

Here precision about what we want to communicate allows us to be more efficient. Because we are interested in the the outcome as win, lose, or tie, not necessarily in “how” a tie was created, we can reduce the amount of information needed in order to communicate this.

Further, when we are less efficient, we are also less precise, making semantic-free communication and automatic processing more difficult.

When we communicate the tie in both way (heads, heads) (tails, tails), we are communicating four possible results instead of the desired three (win, lose, tie). A further step of interpretation is now required to understand that (heads, heads) means (semantics) the same thing as (tails, tails).

In sum

What are we trying to communicate? Our instinct was to communicate the “look” of the game. But this gives us four results (win, lose, tie, tie) when we really want to communicate three results (win, lose, tie). The “look” of the outcome is not just more inefficient, it creates ambiguities.

In contrast, Shannon’s focus on efficiency forces us to encode our communication more precisely, in ways that allow for automatic communication and processing without requiring the understanding of underlying semantics.

Application: Beyond visual encoding.

Let’s step back a little from these details and consider some downstream effects.

As noted, of considerable importance is the manner in which Shannon’s concern for efficiency forces us to be more precise about what we want to communicate.

And this precision is a key part of what allows for the automatic transference of a message across multiple media types.

I’d like to think about this with a concrete consideration of how we “visually encode” the “look of a text” and why this has historically tethered our texts to a particular presentation and made automatic transformations difficult.

In contrast, when we think about encoding the features of our texts as explicit data-types within a predefined set, we find that automatic transformation becomes possible at a dramatic scale.

To facilitate this exercise, it will be helpful to introduce a few distinctions or technical terms.

What we are saying here is that printed books are secretly filled with “data” about “data”. But this metadata is usually so tightly tethered to the presentation of the book medium itself that it often fades into the background and escapes our direct notice. We see it, use it, and interpret it constantly to get access to the message. But in our eagerness to arrive at the message, we rarely thematize it.

For example, the text of a heading and the text of paragraph are both data, but we instinctively know that the “heading data” should be read differently than that “paragraph data”.

Our awareness that a particular string functions in special way (as a “heading” or as a “paragraph”) shows our awareness that this string of data belongs to a particular class or type of data. We sometimes call these “data-types”.

Further, there are “relationships” asserted between other data-types (e.g. paragraphs or divisions to which this heading applies). The types of “relationships” are another kind of data-type and each specific relationship is the data communicated.

How do we recognize this? Where do we get this information? How does the printed text communicate this?

Take a look at a printed text near you. Nearly any text will do. With a pencil, draw boxes around distinct data types that you see and give that data-type a name.

Then draw and label lines between boxes to indicate the relationship that exists between data types. (“child” “next”, “source”, “reference”, etc.)

For example:


discuss image anchor

Then ask yourself

How many data-types are communicated?

How are these data types “visually encoded”?

What are the visual context clues that indicate tell you the function or role of a text string?

How many context clues are required to ensure that this information is transmitted?

Are there places where data-types are unclear or ambiguous? Where is a guess required? Is the same visual formatting used to mark more than one data type?

The tendency of the book paradigm is to record the look, and then expect the reader to understand the intention (meaning, semantics) behind this “look”. That is, the reader is expected understand that the text is visualized in this or that way because the author intends the data, so formatted, to be understood as having this or that purpose/function.

But Shannon’s pursuit of efficiency pushes us to think more precisely. Aren’t we really just trying to communicate a data-type, which is a symbol with a finite set of symbols. If so, what if, instead of communicating the visual “look” of our text, expecting further interpretation, we could directly label the text with one of the data-types within the predefined set of data-types.

In such a case, no human interpreter would be required to mediate the transition from one “look” to another “look” or from one media representation to another. It could be automated.

Consider the example below:

Here I have encoded a “recipe” and then “displayed” it. Flip over to the “result” tab to see the display. Here you can see that I encoded things by their look: “blue” or “italic”.

In the next example below, you can see that I’ve encoded things differently, by describing, not how I want something to look, but what type of thing it is. But if you flip over to the result tab, you can see that I’ve displayed it in the same way.

The benefit of the latter approach comes in the ability to automatically transform presentations without requiring a re-encoding. Imagine that I no longer want the “headings” and “measurements” to be blue. Because I have encoded the headings as “heading” and measurement as “measure” rather than as “blue”. It is easy for me to change the styling of headings to “bold” and measurements to “red”. (See the result tab).

But this would have been impossible with the first approach.

The first example would require a manual RE-ENCODING. I would have to go back through each of the “blue” things and interpret the semantics, figure out which things are “blue” because they are headings and which things are “blue” because they are measurements, and only after that act of human interpretation could the transformation be made.
