Linking Commentaries

Modeling the Connections of Philippus Probus’ Commentary on Johannes Monachus’ Commentary on the Liber Sextus

Jeffrey C. Witt (Loyola University Maryland) |

June 10, 2024, St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO

Slide Deck:

## Index Goals * First, as a navigational aid, I want an index... * whose granularity can automatically scale to the user's needs * that can bring us to the referenced passage in context (rather than merely point) * that allows instant comparison of referring and referenced passage * that can be re-presented in any form a user wants, from print to web and anywhere in between. * Second, I want an index that reveals unknown patterns and trends worthy of new investigation
## Outline 1. Citation marking 2. Navigating the Corpus 3. Using References to Detect Patterns and Trends
1. Citation marking
Here's what such an Id might look like in a Linked Data ecosystem.
2. Navigating the Corpus
3. Using References to Detect Patterns and Trends
* How does a culture's thinking about a topic change over time? * Where do we see continuity in thought? * Where do we see innovation and conceptual shifts within a common discussion?
4. Conclusion
The End Thank you! Comments and/or Questions?