IIIF at Vanderbilt: Hands on Activities
Jeffrey C. Witt (Loyola University Maryland)
https://jeffreycwitt.com | jcwitt@loyola.edu
April 17, 2023, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
### Activity 1
#### Manipulate a IIIF using the Image API
Let's take the following base url: https://ids.lib.harvard.edu/ids/iiif/47174896/

How could we modify this url so that it shows us a picture that is...
...is 512px wide...is upside down...gray scale...has a format of png
For help, consult the [IIIF Image API documentation](https://iiif.io/api/image/3.0/)
You can also play around with a controlled experience [here](https://www.learniiif.org/image-api/playground):
### Activity 2
#### Inspect a Manifest
Open this manifest
If your browser doesn't already have a json formatter, consider installing [this extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/json-viewer/gbmdgpbipfallnflgajpaliibnhdgobh)
1. Can you find the label of the entire "manifest"
2. Can you find the first label of the first "canvas"?
3. Can you find the image identifier of the 2nd canvas (used by the viewer to construct a IIIF Url and display the image)
4. Does it have any ranges? Can you find the first "canvas" listed in the first range?
If needed, use the [API docs](https://iiif.io/api/presentation/2.1/) to help yourself navigate the manifest.
### Activity 3
#### Create or Modify a Manifest Using the Bodleian Manifest Editor
* Select "Open manifest"
* Select "Discover manifest"
* Then Browse for a manifest from listed institutions
### Activity 3
#### Creating a path through a text with connected images
1. Explore the "Exhibit" I made: https://www.exhibit.so/exhibits/YL8tIbs1EmqWFl4c5zW1
* Could this be a useful way to pair text and images together?
2. Duplicate the "Exhibit" I made to experiment with your own "Exhibit"
3. Or make your own "Exhibit"
4. Find a manifest (perhaps with a text you care about)
* See the slide below for example manifests and places to find additional manifests
* Or use a manifest you found or manipulated in the "Manifest Editor"
5. Make an "Exhibit", guiding the user though parts of the manuscript or text
* https://www.exhibit.so/exhibits/create
* List of Demo Manifests
* https://iiif.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/iiif/manifest/e32a277e-91e2-4a6d-8ba6-cc4bad230410.json
* https://iiif.harvardartmuseums.org/manifests/object/299843
* https://media.nga.gov/public/manifests/nga_highlights.json
* https://data.ucd.ie/api/img/manifests/ucdlib:33064
* https://wellcomelibrary.org/iiif/b18035723/manifest
* https://demos.biblissima.fr/iiif/metadata/florus-dispersus/manifest.json
* https://www.e-codices.unifr.ch/metadata/iiif/gau-Fragment/manifest.json
* https://wellcomelibrary.org/iiif/collection/b18031511
* https://gallica.bnf.fr/iiif/ark:/12148/btv1b10022508f/manifest.json
* https://manifests.britishart.yale.edu/Osbornfa1
* https://iiif.biblissima.fr/chateauroux/B360446201_MS0005/manifest.json
* https://iiif.durham.ac.uk/manifests/trifle/32150/t1/m4/q7/t1m4q77fr328/manifest
* https://scta.info/iiif/graciliscommentary/lon/manifest
* https://scta.info/iiif/plaoulcommentary/sorb/manifest
* https://scta.info/iiif/plaoulcommentary/svict/manifest
* Good places to search for manifests:
* https://e-codices.unifr.ch/en
* https://portail.biblissima.fr/en/
### Activity 4
#### Create parallel views of related witnesses
1) Find two or more manifests you want to compare (perhaps with texts you care about)
2) Load them into the IIIF Viewer known as Mirador and open to the places you want to compare.
You can load them here: https://mirador.scta.info or https://mirador-dev.netlify.app/__tests__/integration/mirador/
For more on Mirador see: https://projectmirador.org/
3) Experiment with some manifests that use "ranges" to help you navigate and bring users to the same point in two witnesses.
For example:
### Activity 5
#### Customizing Mirador
1) Look into customizing Mirador so that it automatically constructs the "view" you want to present to end users
* Consider this set up: https://codepen.io/jeffreycwitt/pen/vYRGdeL
* Let's try to make a couple of simple changes.
* Try changing the manifests and canvases that Mirador automatically opens up to
* Try customizing Mirador to auto-open a third or fourth canvas in the same or another manifest
* Can you change the "theme" of the Mirador instance?
* https://github.com/ProjectMirador/mirador/wiki/M3-Theming-Mirador
* See full list of customization properties: https://github.com/ProjectMirador/mirador/blob/master/src/config/settings.js
### Activity 6
#### Create Annotation on a IIIF Canvas using the Simple Annotation Server
### Activity 7
#### Explore Geo-Referenced IIIF Maps
### Activity 8
#### Explore Deep Zoom
### Activity 9
#### Explore the IIIF Awesome list
* Explore this list of tools and demos
* What questions do you have about the software and demos listed here?
* Did you find anything cool and worth sharing?