Texts as Networks - reconceiving the medieval corpus in a linked data world

Jeffrey C. Witt (Loyola University Maryland) | @jeffreycwitt

August 31, 2017

Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia

Slide Deck: http://lombardpress.org/slides/2017-08-31-los-andes-texts-as-networks

## Outline 1. Problem 2. Solutions: the text-as-network paradigm 3. The SCTA: Putting Theory into Practice
# I. The Problem
Today, traditional mechanisms of publishing scholarly critical editions of primary source material are broken. Considered in light of what is now possible, traditional publishing workflows are preventing progress in at least two ways.
First, instead of making texts available, these publications are making texts less public and less available. As counter intuitive as it might seem, every time a text is published in the traditional manner, it becomes harder to access rather than easier to access.
Second, these texts are being made available according to outdated modes of publication that prevent computer assisted discovery, analysis, and re-use.
"The decision to stop handing over ownership of new textual data (and especially any textual data produced with any significant measure of public funding) is, in 2015, a purely political one. There is no practical reason not to make this change immediately. If it takes editors an extra six months or a year (and it should not) because they need to learn how to produce a digital edition, the delay is insignificant in comparison to the damage that scholars suffer when they hand over control of the reconstructed text for 25 years and of the textual notes, introduction and other materials for 70 years after their death." -- [Gregory Crane, March 5th, 2015](http://sites.tufts.edu/perseusupdates/2015/03/04/getting-to-open-data-for-classical-greek-and-latin-breaking-old-habits-and-undoing-the-damage-a-call-for-comment/)
#### Volume 2. Used Price between $186.00 and $224.00 ![Rimini 1](https://s3.amazonaws.com/lum-faculty-jcwitt-public/Rimini-Book-Prices1.png)
#### Volume 1. Price $433.00 ![Rimini 1](https://s3.amazonaws.com/lum-faculty-jcwitt-public/Gregorii_Ariminensis_vol1price.png)
#### 57 pages from Volume 1. Price $42.00 ![Rimini 2](https://s3.amazonaws.com/lum-faculty-jcwitt-public/rimini_prologe_q1_price.png)
#### Reuse of 57 pages for 10 students in a class room. Price $213.75 ![Rimini 3](https://s3.amazonaws.com/lum-faculty-jcwitt-public/rimini_prologueq1_coursepack_cost.png)
#### The Comparative ease of finding the 1522 Edition [https://books.google.com/books?id=NbEscE0n_44C](https://books.google.com/books?id=NbEscE0n_44C) ![Rimini 3](https://s3.amazonaws.com/lum-faculty-jcwitt-public/Rimini-1522.png)
#### Rimini 1981 Volume 1 Apparatus Fontium ![connections](https://s3.amazonaws.com/lum-faculty-jcwitt-public/rimini-apparatus.png)
# II. Solutions: the text-as-network-paradigm
# II.A. Problems with the Text-as-Document Paradigm
## The problem with the text-as-document approach ### Data Isolation: in print and on the web
**In sum**: research groups are currently choosing the most inefficient way possible to make data available on the web, while leaving us with results that go barely beyond the capabilities of the printed page.

The complaint as voiced by Ted Nelson

# II.B. The Text-as-Network Paradigm
Despite the inarguable benefits the Web provides, until recently the same principles that enabled the Web of documents to flourish have not been applied to data. Traditionally, data published on the Web has been made available as raw dumps in formats such as CSV or XML, or marked up as HTML tables, sacrificing much of its structure and semantics. In the conventional hypertext Web, the nature of the relationship between two linked documents is implicit, as the data format, i.e. HTML, is not sufficiently expressive to enable individual entities described in a particular document to be connected by typed links to related entities. Christian Bizer, Tom Heath, Tim Berners-Lee, "Linked Data - The Story So Far", http://tomheath.com/papers/bizer-heath-berners-lee-ijswis-linked-data.pdf
"Data is relationships." -- Tim Berners Lee, Ted Talk, February 2009
# III. The SCTA: Putting Theory in Practice
# Data Creation

Edit Anywhere and Instantly Sync with the Git Workflow

# Data Aggregation and Delivery

Creating the data set with RDF extraction

A web of networked relations

Critical Corpus Database Visualization

# Data Display
## Building common libraries for common tasks
## LombardPress Interface Display
### Recall: the promise of a "Networked Connections" ![connections](https://s3.amazonaws.com/lum-faculty-jcwitt-public/dead-end-and-networked-connections4.png)
#### Promise Fulfilled ![connections](https://s3.amazonaws.com/lum-faculty-jcwitt-public/dead-end-and-networked-connections5.png)
#### Promise Fulfilled ![connections](https://s3.amazonaws.com/lum-faculty-jcwitt-public/dead-end-and-networked-connections6.png)
## Mirador IIIF Image Interface
## Lbp Print Interface
## SCTA Data Interaction and Re-Use
## Exploring the Corpus as a series of Quotations

Quotation Application

## Quotation Graph ![quotation-graph](https://s3.amazonaws.com/lum-faculty-jcwitt-public/Screen-Shot-2016-03-24-at-10.52.34-AM.png)
###Suggested Readings ####Introduction [http://lombardpress.org/2016/08/02/bcht-scta-lbp-overview/](http://lombardpress.org/2016/08/02/bcht-scta-lbp-overview/) ####Modeling and Workflows [http://lombardpress.org/2016/06/12/DTS-modeling-proposal/](http://lombardpress.org/2016/06/12/DTS-modeling-proposal/) [http://lombardpress.org/2016/08/09/surfaces-canvases-and-zones/](http://lombardpress.org/2016/08/09/surfaces-canvases-and-zones/) [http://lombardpress.org/placing-medieval-texts-within-a-critical-corpus/](http://lombardpress.org/placing-medieval-texts-within-a-critical-corpus/) ####On Information sharing and linked open data [http://lombardpress.org/2016/04/16/iiif-webmentions/](http://lombardpress.org/2016/04/16/iiif-webmentions/) [http://lombardpress.org/2016/08/25/basel-workshop-report/](http://lombardpress.org/2016/08/25/basel-workshop-report/) ####On Peer Review [http://lombardpress.org/2016/05/19/the-traveling-imprimatur/](http://lombardpress.org/2016/05/19/the-traveling-imprimatur/) ####On LombardPress web [http://lombardpress.org/bringing-ecodices-and-openn-together/](http://lombardpress.org/bringing-ecodices-and-openn-together/) [http://lombardpress.org/conceiving-the-digital-critical-apparatus/](http://lombardpress.org/conceiving-the-digital-critical-apparatus/) [http://lombardpress.org/demo-of-full-integration-of-iiif-images-into-lombardpress/](http://lombardpress.org/conceiving-the-digital-critical-apparatus/)